Is it Magic or Another Lens

Another Lens is a research kit for inclusive design through bias identification and organizational limitations (  The output of their research resulted in following guiding principles:

Balance your bias | Consider the opposite | Embrace a growth mindset


•      What are my lenses?

•      What details are unverified, unfair or unused?

•      What am I holding onto that needs to be released?


•      Who is impacted by my decisions?

•      Who am I nervous to talk to?

•      What do I believe?

Growth Mindset

•      How am I challenging myself?

•      Is my audience open to change?

•      How can I reframe mistake in a way I can learn?

As leaders, coaches, and mentors, you must demonstrate appropriate behaviors for followers to model, modifying how they show up within the organization. Building their esteem by leveraging employee strengths, supporting their journey on how they show up every day and encouraging work-life effectiveness. Your consistent and repetitive coaching, with positive reinforcement, will help improve the employee lens with which they view the organizational ideology.

Cast the vision to the team and ensure effective messaging, including two-way feedback, throughout your change model is constant. Be the change you wish to see!