The Eye has to TRAVEL

The eye has to travel, is the basis of one of my 2017 well-formed outcomes and it is also present on my vision board surrounded by beautiful landscapes and activities that evoke the feeling and emotion of movement. This quote is my reminder to pause and to be present with gratitude and appreciation for all life has to offer.

On my recent trip abroad I fully realized and expressed the significance of this quote. By traveling to France and Germany, I was able to explore a new aspect of self through perspective expansion, empathy, appreciation, and acceptance of my role in reality creation. This unique perception pulled back my blinders and allowed me to be vulnerable by immersing myself in different cultures and languages.

In Paris, my boyfriend and I wandered into a fantastic bakery Bread and Roses. The display of authentic French pastry, apéritif, and dessert made our mouths water in anticipation. By not understanding cultural norms, his reach toward a baguette directed swift admonishment from the shopkeeper, “no, no monsieur!” Faux pas averted with a sly smile and apology; we quickly realized our vulnerability by not understanding the language or culture.

As we patiently waited for our turn to order, the following question persisted in my mind. Can we fully understand all aspects of compassion if we are always in our comfort zone?

When it came our time to order, we asked apologetically “parlez vous Anglais?” The shopkeeper answered with a bewildered, “no.”

Fortunately, our language disadvantage created the opportunity for us to receive the compassion and the random act of kindness from a stranger who stepped in to translate. Sure, we could have crudely pointed and gestured our way through the request; however, our vulnerability led the way for the grace of another. Plus, her recommendation of the baguette with seeds paired perfectly with our charcuterie picnic in the park.

When life is pacing at breakneck speeds, do you take time and pause? Do you consider, if ever so briefly, another person’s point of view? And, do you allow others to offer a helping hand or do you forge ahead without regard?

Our vulnerability and openness to happenstance provided a glimpse into the benevolence of another. The interaction was a delightful wakeup call to the power of presence, gratitude, compassion, and appreciation for all life has to offer. While remembering, the eye has to travel.

Michelle Zeiser | Executive Coach | Strategist | Consultant

#Vulnerability #Appreciation #Compassion #Gratitude #SelfIdeate