Ready, Set, GROW

2018 is approaching quickly. Are you ready to set goals, develop action plans, and course correct as necessary?

Inspire your team to engage complexity and critical thinking when solving complex problems; empower them to make business-critical decisions and unleash their potential.

Everyone wins, when leaders encourage people on their team to be understood

Possible Objection: Disengaged employees do not participate or engage with toxic venting

Opportunity: Core value recalibration sessions with the team, create space for respect and appreciation of similarities and differences, coaching them through self-awareness to increase adaptability and encourage accountability within the team

Leaders create a safe space to propose wildly creative ideas

Possible Objection: They forgot how to be creative or think for themselves after being told what to do for the last 20+ years of their lives

Opportunity: Develop a complexity design thinking activity to help them ‘light up’ the creative side of their brains, pop-corning ideas, brainstorming, and building

Delegate and empower team member decision-making authority

Possible Objection: They resist making decisions for fear of retribution or retaliation of failure(s)

Opportunity: Afford the team the grace to make mistakes, proactively mitigate risks through learning moments and communication, and celebrate trying something new

Teach and model for your team, “the gift of feedback”

Use this method to build your team’s relationship to feedback by asking them, “what went well” and “if they would change one thing, what would it be.” Then ask, “are they open to the gift of feedback?” Follow the lead they set. Often the recipients of feedback know what went well and what didn’t, their self-evaluation is the most powerful form of coaching.

Possible Objection: They fear demonstrating vulnerability and protect their ego at all cost

Opportunity: Model the gift of feedback, authentically ask for feedback and celebrate team growth through recognition and transparency

Engage Michelle Zeiser, at Self Ideate, to support your 2018 Coaching and Goal Planning Initiatives.

Michelle Zeiser

Executive Coach | Strategist | Consultant

Self Ideate

#LeadershipDevelopment #GrowthMindset #2018Goals #SelfIdeate

Why is it so hard to work with other generations? Because we are so different.

We have different needs, wants, and we value different things. Organizations are intentional in delivering and communicating purpose through the company mission, vision, broad goals, specific goals, and strategy to accomplish objectives. Leadership delivery and messaging of the vision is vital for a teamwork driven generation. Building an inclusive communication platform increases the likelihood of reaching the broader audience. Gone are the days of limited scope and reach within an organization. Leadership must assess multiple vehicles of communication to ensure information diversity. Creating a broad inclusivity of data that reaches all audiences.

Boomers use rapport-building techniques to increase communication effectiveness. However, disputes over communication skills and behaviors intensify with the use of technology. These differences can cause limitations and internal conflict or resentment across the multigenerational organization.

Gen X is a more realistic, some say a pessimistic generation that is not likely to follow orders without challenging the status quo. They are dreamers and entrepreneurs seeking to disrupt traditional lines of thinking by demonstrating growth mindsets toward complex problems. They prefer work-life effectiveness versus an always-on approach to business and this shift can upset other generations within the workforce.

Gen Y employees are articulate and self-assured however they have the least amount of experience within the workforce and more precise, organizations. This optimistic generation thinks hard-work, confidence, achievement, and setting goals will lead to their fulfillment of dreams. Other generations, at times, overlook their capability due to their immaturity within a corporate occupation.

The variety of value systems and motivations are the center of communication standards including the diversity of values that are ingrained within the generational segments. Communication skills have intensified stylistically with technology advancement. Where Boomers prefer face-to-face contacts, generation X and Y are more comfortable with email, voicemail, and text messaging conducting business uniquely. Ethical communication is a challenge for leaders managing multigenerational workers. It requires multiple vehicles of content to satisfy the needs of the evolving organization. The art of leadership includes knowing when to involve and excite generational dialogue for the greater good of the organizational structure and advancement of human capital.

Michelle Zeiser

Executive Coach | Strategist | Consultant




Is it Magic or Another Lens

Another Lens is a research kit for inclusive design through bias identification and organizational limitations (  The output of their research resulted in following guiding principles:

Balance your bias | Consider the opposite | Embrace a growth mindset


•      What are my lenses?

•      What details are unverified, unfair or unused?

•      What am I holding onto that needs to be released?


•      Who is impacted by my decisions?

•      Who am I nervous to talk to?

•      What do I believe?

Growth Mindset

•      How am I challenging myself?

•      Is my audience open to change?

•      How can I reframe mistake in a way I can learn?

As leaders, coaches, and mentors, you must demonstrate appropriate behaviors for followers to model, modifying how they show up within the organization. Building their esteem by leveraging employee strengths, supporting their journey on how they show up every day and encouraging work-life effectiveness. Your consistent and repetitive coaching, with positive reinforcement, will help improve the employee lens with which they view the organizational ideology.

Cast the vision to the team and ensure effective messaging, including two-way feedback, throughout your change model is constant. Be the change you wish to see!

What I learned from 58 days of Mindfulness

For the past 58 days, I have been deeply rooted in a mindfulness training as part of my Professional Certified Coaching (PCC) completion. Mindfulness for me includes personal and spatial awareness, grounding in what matters most, gratitude, self-care, and exploring limitless possibilities.

What evolved from my consistent mindfulness practice is reduced anxiety and stress, increased focus and attention, and expanded creative confidence toward complex problems.

If you are continually distracted or impacted by email, technology, traffic, and the news, it doesn’t have to be that way!

For anyone starting a mindfulness practice, searching for a different way to show up and level up, engage an accountability partner or mindfulness coach to reach your mindful path.

#Mindfulness #MindfulnessCoach #SelfIdeate