Building a Growth Mindset for Unlimited Possibilities

When you have ability, why should you need learning?” asks Carol Dweck, author of “Mindset the New Psychology of Success”.

Many of you are aware that I am a voracious, curious reader and audio consumer of input. “Mindset” was recommended to me by a mentor who identified my struggle to understand and my need for patience to find grace when encountering individuals with a fixed mindset.

Here is a self-identification opportunity; do you demonstrate a growth or fixed mindset?

Growth Mindset Attributes:

  • Understanding strengths and weaknesses
  • Stretch and develop self through learning and self-enablement
  • Seek challenge and take risks

Fixed Mindset Attributes:

  • Stands in the way of development and change
  • Lose interest when faced with challenge or something new
  • Seek success and validation, often blame and make excuses upon failure

Spoiler alert! If you identified as fixed, you CAN change your mindset, after all mindsets are just beliefs.

The next time you feel intimidated or overwhelmed while performing a task that became hard or you became bored; recognize you are in the fixed mindset. Believe in and motivate yourself to positively engage, using this opportunity as a growth experience.

 “If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.”            – Anatole France