The Principal Ingredient for Meaningful Work is Passion

“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion!” Just ask Simon Sinek, author, and creator of the concept of “Start With Why.”

When you love what you do and who you work with, you demonstrate your passion through:

  • Bold actions
  • Positive reception to changes that move the Company closer to its vision
  • Increased focus on exceptional service to clients and communities

If you are seeking optimum performance, check out “Finding your Element” by Lou Aronica and Ken Robinson. The book took me on a self-identification exploration leading to an understanding of where my natural talents converge with my passions.

Being in your element gives you strength often demonstrated through positive energy. Alternatively, when you are not in your element or outside of your comfort or social norm, you may develop negative emotions manifested by anxiety, stress, anger, and impatience.

The book provokes self-reflection through a series of question such as: Have you ever asked yourself, “What do I do exceptionally well?” Have you ever challenged yourself to flex these areas of strength to bring you closer to being in your element?

As we quickly approach the end of 2017, reflect on your exceptional strengths. What drives your passion? How can your gifts have an even greater positive impact on your work, your community and your loved ones?

Go ahead. Leap into your magnificence!